Here’s a favorite quote from the past…

You mean this opera involves handcuffs? (I lay defeated)

God, that brings back old memories. Mostly of me handcuffed to a lawnchair and unable to get out.

Well. We’re at war. I see that everyone is commenting on it. I really don’t have much to say. It doesn’t change the facts and I think for once, I’ll stop expounding in little circles until my tongue is lolling out of the side of my mouth like a dumb lap dog.

I talked to Michelle today. She gave me a great quote:

Friendship between women is often nothing more than temporary suspension of hostility.

I have a feeling that people sometimes think I dislike members of my own gender. It’s not true. I actually have a little too much love for everyone. But I have a hard time respecting some of the negative shadow aspects of the anima, mostly embodied in catty, passive-aggressive, underminingly hostile behavior. Men succombing to the anima can also exhibit these qualities. I just hate it. It’s not a fair fight. I’d rather get punched in the face than betrayed while I sleep. I’m just cautious about getting too near that crap because I’m hanging high on idealism, which is one skip away from utter cynicism.

I watched parts of K-Pax today. I know a lot of people don’t like that movie but I actually liked it. Kevin Spacey, as always, is amazing and the psychological elements were very interesting. I’m still wondering why Linda told me that she thought of me when she saw it and thought that I would really enjoy it. Mental note: Ask her. The capabilities of the human mind (spirit?) never cease to amaze me.

Oh yeah. I talked to my aunt and she told me that I have to get a formal dress for my cousin Albert’s wedding next month. I asked her what she meant by “formal” and she said, “Poofy.” “Like a prom dress?” I asked. “Something like that,” she said. That’s horrible. I thought that form of monkey torture was behind me. And I just know that with it being spring, the only kinds of “poofy” department store dresses available will be in pastel colors.