They’ve made a film out of one of my favorite books, Shopgirl, by Steve Martin. The IMDB page says that Jimmy Fallon was supposed to play Jeremy but dropped out, which is a shame because he would have been perfect as Jeremy. Jason Swartzmann is a little too neurotic and dark, but who knows. I’m psyched to see it.

Celine on Larry King

Okay, the subject matter and sentiment I can feel and agree with; she makes some great points. I respect her passion and outrage. I do. I really appreciate that people are being outspoken because we need to be outraged and heard right now and it’s powerful to see that this is affecting people and we’re helping each other out. But that clip was uncomfortably borderline parody. She starts out like she could break into a Celine power ballad at any moment. Then there was, “Let them touch those things for once.” And did she say helicobsters? Like lobsters with helicopter blades?

Wow, Kanye. Even though what you said is probably true, wish you hadn’t sounded like such an idiot.

I know I get a lot of flack for it, but I’ve always liked Stephon.