You know you’ve neglected your blog for too long, when you can’t remember your sign-on information…

I’ve been trapped in the world of reality, where I want to focus on work and career and “building a solid future.” I have not been able to focus on such paramount tasks as comparing astrological natal charts of celebrities, surfing the net for gay NBA player rumors, browsing the online dating sites to see if there’s anyone I know or pondering if Elton Brand is proportionate in ALL ways. Which means it’s about time I get back to those things.

The hardest thing has been starting blog entries but not being able to finish them. This mostly has to do with, again, my employer’s annoying insistence that I work during work hours rather than, you know, not working. It’s ridiculously unreasonable. I do, however, enjoy surfing porn sites at other people’s work stations during after hours, when I’m the only one left in the office to do those evil little deeds I do. Bob in accounting likes farmhouse threesomes? Wow, I would have never known….

(I’m just kidding)

I don’t really have anything to say about the Oscars, since the only movie I saw was Crash (and I missed the first 5 minutes), so I really don’t have any kind of educated opinion. I do like Jon Stewart as the host and think that man should run for president. I would rather have a hilarious presidency than an idiotically criminal one. My favorite joke? “Bjork Couldn’t Be Here Tonight. She Was Trying On Her Dress And Dick Cheney Shot Her…” Did anyone see Jennifer Garner almost fall? THAT’S what you get for shacking up with Ben Affleck. Loser.

I am very proud of Ang Lee though. And Salma Hayek’s right boob which looked like a watermelon.

Our lemonade thing which went from a joke to a hobby to a little business is doing really well. We’re currently in 6 stores/cafes and on the set of CSI, and we’re in negotiations with a few more. The owner of the Houston’s chain just bought a case and we’re waiting to see where they go with it. Brian still regards it as a joke, but the thing has a life of it’s own. We’re selling out in all of our locations and Reggie’s being stopped by people who recognize him as “the lemonade guy” from the label. Personally, I don’t think he’s as cute as the Snapple Lady, but you know me and my love for sassy overweight East Coast mamas.

I’m taking an online contemporary business class and have an accounting class starting this week. Considering I don’t know how to balance my checkbook and failed statistics twice, it’s going to get ugly with accounting.

Mostly, I’m pretty tired all the time.