This is fantastic:

Also, don’t go see Wicker Man. We saw it last Friday and it may be in the top 3 of worst movies I’ve ever seen. The only decent part is when the audience finally realizes it’s awful and collectively laughs AT the film and jeers while Nicolas Cage starts punching and kicking women in the face for no apparent reason. I remember watching Nicolas Cage brutally yet comically (I say comically not because it’s funny to beat on women but because it’s so poorly and campily done, like a Steven Seagal movie) starts beating these women out of the blue. I remember leaning over to Reggie in disgust and saying, “This director hates women.”

And lo and behold, I check the credits after we leave and it’s Neil LaBute. Neil LaBute is the only director I can say I honestly hate. He thoroughly offends me, and consistently offends me. All of his movies consistently have a misogynistic theme, the I fear women–> I hate women –> I need to destroy women before they destroy me pattern that is his trademark. I’m, unfortunately, probably not strong enough in my defense of women’s rights sometimes, but LaBute is a bad, bad man when it comes to his work and as openminded as I can be about artistic expression, he just seems to spout anger and child-like fear in his movies. There’s no art to it but rather, thinly-veiled venom. And he’s pretty consistent…the women of his films are either victimized, innocent does, or cruel, manipulative whores. The guy has no respect for women, and his expression of it is that of an angry, rejected adolescent who doesn’t seem to know how to deal with his subversive feelings. I just can’t watch his movies without feeling disgusted at the artist.

So if you see Wicker Man, don’t say I didn’t warn you. It would be one of those bad, campy movies that’s funny for the wrong reasons but fun to make fun of, except for the fact that the movie takes itself way too seriously to be fun.