interesting weekend. very interesting weekend. i had both my family in town as well as aubrey and candice for warren’s going away party. ran into two people i used to date on the same day, and ironically, i was always worried that one of them would end up being like the other. i realized they’re very different people. had the hottest girl in the bar come up and talk to me, telling me that she’s been watching me all night and that she really likes my style. she was one of those chill girls that radiates an interesting energy, style, confidence plus incredible looks. pradeep, lauren’s fiance, really wanted me to get her number just to have gotten it because she was that hot. but then i told him that i’ve never made out with a girl before; i might be willing to try if the girl is cool enough, but there’s no way i can have sex with a woman because it just really grosses me out. but i was flattered, because i took it not so much like a girl hitting on another girl, as one cool girl with great energy who’s spreading joy around a room seeing someone else who also has great energy and is spreading joy around a room, and walking up and saying, “hey, i like what you’re doing. keep it up.” that was really cool. i talked to a lot of strangers last night and every interaction was positive, no drama.

One thing I’ve learned this weekend. If you are in a great place in your life, there are people who are going to want to get close to you. Either they want to be around your energy, or they want to know how you’re doing it. Some people can get clingy, but when you meet other people who are also feeling good because they’re in a really good place in their lives, it’s like two ships passing in the night and all the people aboard are really happy to see each other and acknowledge each other, and then you move along on your way.

Also, try not to hold grudges. Life is too short. And if you ever meet up with someone out there who’s hurt you, kill ’em with kindness. There’s nothing sweeter, because you are showing that no matter your history or past hurt, you’re still able to celebrate yourself and be a big person.