
My thoughts have been displaced while I move my blog from one location to another. My creative side feels like it’s living out of a self-storage unit. Thus my blogging here now while I wait.

How’ve I been? Bored. Really bored. I get a lot of thought done though. I’ve come to an understanding about human evolution and our next step if our physical environments aren’t sustainable. I’ve examined how we are moving towards human psychological sub-species and how it affects the social trajectory. I practice a math exercise with license plate numbers in traffic so I can train my mind to recognize gestalt patterns before calculating the sum of the parts. I spend a ridiculous amount of time at the gym seemingly watching dvds on the cardio machines, but where I’m simultaneously watching storylines develop between strangers.

Maybe I’m in a period of download. I’m definitely seeing and learning new things about what it means to be human for other people, having new understandings every day. I’m trying to let myself relax to reveal more of myself to others, yet when I do, it reveals more confusing and inconsistent facets. But the difference is, I’m having more fun exploring them and giving myself permission to commit to it.

So it’s raining and I love the rain. I think the feeling of inspiration is so electrical that when it rains, it conducts more of that electricity so I feel stronger. I know I start getting really despondent if I go too long without there being rain. I’m happy that I have absolutely nothing to do this weekend, that I’m not under any projects or forcing myself to stress about unfinished projects. All I’ve done today is set the alarm for early am so I could fall asleep again to the sound of the rain, go to the gym, watch DVDs on the couch, read a random book at Barnes & Noble for an hour, then buy a small popcorn at a movie theater and head home to explore the net. It’s just the little things, being able to slow down, being able to have yourself to yourself for a period of time and savor the freedom of that…that destines a day as one of your favorite memories