One of the hardest thing to know is when to fight for the things you want. On one hand, you recognize that if you’re overextending yourself, you have to ask yourself if this is something you actually need in your life that is beneficial, or if you’re chasing something that is actually the manifestation of an internal issue that you have to work on. On the other hand, this could also be a challenge for you to live outside of your comfort zone, to have courage for better or worse, through good outcomes and bad, to trust yourself to take care of yourself and find the path that most benefits you.

Fear gets in the way of everything and clouds your judgment, or makes you avoid the things that you need to be doing. On the other hand, it keeps you away from places you shouldn’t go that might be negative or dangerous for you.

I think right now, the challenge I’m working on is being able to quiet myself, until the only voice I hear is my own, and to trust it, no matter what it says. I hope it all works out.

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