Barely Legal
I spent the day at the stretch of beach in front of our hotel. Waikiki is very touristy, like a more tropical Santa Monica, but the water is amazing. It’s clear blue, warm, gentle and in my opinion, less salty than the water in LA (I absolutely can’t stand getting water in my eyes in LA). The weather was perfect, and every time it got a little too hot, it would start sprinkling enough to cool down. Man, if I could find a way to get rich quick, I would love to spend more time just dicking around in Hawaii, napping on the beach.
So to follow up on the guy I saw in the gym, I came back from the beach and wanted to work out a little before dinner. On the way down to the gym, the elevator stopped and in walks Hot Gym Guy. I thought, this is destiny! So he lights up when he sees me and we’re both kind of shy but we’re small talking. I ask him where he’s from and he says he’s from Tracy (a city in Norcal). I tell him I grew up in Fremont. He gets excited and asks if I still live there. I say I live in Los Angeles now. He thinks about it, then says, that’s cool, like “that’s not a dealbreaker, necessarily.” I ask him if he’s here on vacation and he says, “Yeah, I’m here with my family. I just turned 18 on Wednesday so this is my birthday present.”
Hold on.
18? What 18 year old has a body like that???? The guy looks at least 25.
Well, needless to say, I ejected myself out of that conversation in the most polite, friendly way possible. I don’t need to be messing with anyone who’s only 3 days legal, no matter what.
I had told my mom about a hot guy at the gym, and today, she had walked by the gym on the way to the pool and was waving and pointing at him, giving me the thumbs up from outside the door. I told her later that the guy was 18 and she started cracking up. A few minutes ago, she walked by me and started chuckling, saying, “Eighteen years old…what a shame.”
3 days legal. Just can’t do it. I just can’t do it.