saturn. the father. the stern taskmaster. you make us fear things the way fear felt when we were emerging beings, viewing the world through a pinpoint of consciousness from within a dark cave, when we still had no sense yet of what the hell was going on. you scare a person enough while he’s in this stage, and he’ll perpetually walk through life like he’s lost in a game in which he doesn’t understand the rules. it’s the same reason you don’t shake an egg before it hatches.

tyrant father.

you liked tormenting those weaker than you, didn’t you?

but it never killed the smallness you felt inside the root of you.

because father issues are the mother of all issues.

it’s going to stop.

let up on some of these people, okay? they are good people who are way too hard on themselves, thinking they are incomplete or flawed. you are making them feel sad and angry. small. some who are so much bigger are playing small in hopes that you don’t turn your brutal eye on them, or are playing small in hopes it will please you into offering kindness. some have abandoned their personal power in their need to escape. you need to be a better leader like the sun.

when i told someone in confidence that i needed an army to stand up to you, people started following me. they can feel the same feeling, a readiness for emergence. they can feel there’s some truth in this, and they have hope. what binds us is that we believe that we are better than this, timid caged people terrified of their father. they believe that if they can expand the positive energy inside them, it would be so powerful as to render you a ghost.

is it too idealistic of me to think that we can coexist? this is not a war. this is a peaceful return to balance. we are not weak, but we are not threats. we are going to stand up, very slowly, and you’re going to let us. you will be awed by what you see, our size, our numbers, our gentle power. and then, you’re going to step back, and you’re going to let us walk away, to unlock the cages of others.

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