I was reading about my Pluto in the 3rd House:

Pluto was found in the third house at the time of your birth. This planet appears to rule over everything that occurs at extremes. Therefore we should expect a similar inclination of your mind in terms of extreme good or extreme evil. Among your mental faculties there will exist an inspiration of unknown origin which will aid you in times of severe crisis, whether of a financial or psychological nature. The basic trait granted by Pluto here is perpetual and active planning with a tenor of Machiavellian speculation. Your mind oscillates between contrary concepts and it seeks to find truth by dialectic analysis of opposites. In addition to the mental characteristics described above, also possess power of penetration, ingenuity, and assertive aggression – you can well force your views on others. You will be attracted to intellectual pursuits completely apart from science such as politics and/or scenic art.

I wanted to look up Machiavellian to understand the nuances of how it was being used here. Learned about High Machs. Oddly, randomly thought about a guy I’d known almost 10 years ago earlier today, and remembered how creepy and charmingly manipulative he was. His last name was Macht.

That article led me to this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_dominance_orientation

Which then made me realize, all this talk about High Machs and social dominance orientation, sounded eerily like all the teachings of a Scorpio that I was experiencing last year. I would be interested to see how many of these people who tested as High Machs and with high-SDO were Scorpios or had Pluto prominent in their charts.

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