Last night here and I’m ready to go home. I didn’t do much today, just wandered around reflecting on the last two weeks.

In hindsight, the universe gave me what I’ve been asking for, even though it’ll be a long time before I’ve tested it enough to be convinced. At the very least, I learned that possibilities are always there, but you can’t force them. The things you need come when the time is right, when you’ve done the work to get yourself to that place where you can receive those things.

Byt had told me to be careful of the beer out here because it’s delicious, and I’m going to have to agree. I’ve never been much of a drinker, but there really is something amazing about it. I went to 3 of the beer halls and my favorite beer is Spaten. It’s definitely time to send me and my beer belly home.

I also can’t wait to get home and have vegetables. The food out there is meat and potatoes and it’s salty. I think all I’m gonna want for a while is salads and fresh vegetables to detox this alcohol, salt and badness out of my system. I also can’t wait to get back into the gym and start feeling good. I love living out of hotels, but it’s hard to be inactive athletically.

I think this trip was one of the most significant of my life thus far, as a means to understand myself and reflect on where I’ve been and by default, where I’m going. It opened up new possibilities and reminded me that I am capable of so many things, but it also made me aware that I will have to make a choice and a commitment. I’m terrified to go home and face my very real financial situation, but it’s one of those things…dealing with money or the lack thereof is a part of life, a part of learning how to survive in this reality. I just have to deal with it and that’s the bottom line.

I’m definitely looking forward to being in familiar surroundings again and planning out my next step. Thanks, Europe, for the hospitality and the reflection. Give me some time to reverse the damage you’ve done to my body.

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