my friend b recommended wong kar wai’s new film, my blueberry nights, a few months ago and it sounded like something i would really be interested in seeing. but then i watched the trailer …gorgeous visually but masterfully featuring “the greatest” by cat power, one of the most beautiful songs ever written (the kind of song i never want to end), and that was enough to make me already like the movie. it sounded like the kind of movie i would want to watch alone on a good screen since wong kar wai is so lyrical and vibrant with his use of colors, but it was only playing in the crappy theaters by then, so i’ve been waiting for the dvd which is finally out. so last night i had wanted to put it on my netflix queue so i could have it this weekend, but i forgot, dicking around on the warriors message board getting irritated instead. i did download “the greatest” and was listening to it right before i fell asleep, and the crazy thing was, when my radio alarm woke me up this morning, it was “the greatest” playing on kcrw. that really made me happy.

i think i need to watch this movie. i just moved the movie to the top of my queue and i hope they get the movies i sent back in time to send it to me for the weekend. otherwise, i’ll just suck it up, pay my outstanding hollywood video late fee and go rent it. i’m pretty excited. synchronicity always makes me happy.

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