
for some reason it confounds me so i only interact when people write personal messages.

i was surprised when i got a request from a girl i knew in college. we’d all hung out in the same group in the dorms and we called her ma. it was like she really took care of us in a quiet way, even though we were all the same age. i got to see her a few times at weddings, and i’d heard she’d gotten married and since i hadn’t been invited, i just figured we weren’t that close.

i added her but didn’t think too much about it, until she posted on my wall:

I search myself I want you to find me…
I forget myself I want you to remind me…

i didn’t get it right away, but then i remembered. see, there was this time in college when i thought i touch myself by the divinyls was the funniest thing ever and i imposed it on my dorm floor like a little audio monsoon. i guess that phase must have been how this girl remembers me more than 10 years later. i feel a bit embarrassed, but in the end it’s who i was so i have to live with it.

i write her a polite message back asking her how she’s been and she won’t tell me, wanting to know first, “what crazy crap have you been up to?”

i was a little surprised that she saw me as someone who would logically be out in the world doing crazy crap. but the problem was, i had been doing a lot of crazy crap recently. this cracked me up. it’s like she just knew. so i was honest and told her about quitting my job, going to europe, the seduction of david, and how we’re secretly living together in amsterdam as i try to coax out a book.

she responded by asking me if i sing “secret lovers” every chance i get.

here’s today’s wtf moment, inspired by kris

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