promoting was so good today.

finally got to work with zahra. one of the guys had told me the guys don’t like working with her. she talks to you a lot so you can’t hand out guides, but everyone always takes guides from her. 
she’s awesome. the flirtiest 20 year old girl i’ve ever seen. she’s like a beautiful creature. we just kept making each other giggle. i told her i was 30 she said, oh my god, my stepmother is 31! i just laughed and laughed. she couldn’t believe how old i was. 
i saw ken walking up in the crowd. he always wears a cap. when i saw a picture of him on facebook without it, i remember staring in shock because there was a part of me that couldn’t believe he has hair, so the hair in the picture almost looked magical. it made me realize that the thing about having these brief and intense meetings with people out here, is you don’t really know much about each other except the sum of these snapshots you retain after each encounter. and i never know after seeing someone, if this may be the last time i ever see them.
libras are the true lovers of the world. they fall in love with everything. i bet zahra is a gemini.

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