why do we mourn for our own lost innocence when we see it in others, when it is still there, alive and intact, within ourselves? 

why do we mourn for the loss of our pure, unadulterated selves, when it is always present?
it is illusion to think that life, no matter how devastating, not matter how ugly, can take the truth of ourselves away from us. no one can take anything that is real away from you. we can only believe the lies told in desperation by the wounded and weak, believe their ugly view of the world full of victims and perpetrators, believe their self-fulfilling disease is the way of “the real world” until we turn away from our own truth, beauty, magic and innocence, letting these precious things starve and wither like an unwatered plant deep in the core of our being.
the thing is, that plant’s connected to everything and the roots run deep, as deep as everything that is and was because it’s a part of everything the way you are a part of everything and anything that is, was and will be. that plant can never die because life can never die. it can only be neglected. but it will bloom for you, filling with powerful love and life force the moment you allow it to, the moment you allow yourself to.
so why do we grieve for the losses of ourselves, of our innocence, for those dark periods in the past where we may have given up ourselves and let our spirit and illuminous well fall into neglect? does not this grieving only perpetuate this loss? does it not make more sense to honor it and enjoy the present and the fullness of your being rather than waste more energy mourning for the neglected self and the time lost to hurt and sadness?
time is not real. it is only a measurement of present moments that are no longer present. only the present exists at any given time, only how you want to embrace the present. how would you like to experience yourself in the present? with honor and appreciation?
or disappointment for past loss and sorrow? 
there’s always a choice, my friend.

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