last day. last day. it’s like cleaning up the last day of school. always hated it. things change so much when you don’t see them every day.

with last days of school, i didn’t know what might change when i came back. i like things to stay in the same place as where you left them.

it’s really hard. it’s been very challenging but you can’t help but feel strong attachment because it meant something. you went to battle together. you wish you could just work together. but you can’t force anyone to do anything. you hear the voices of the people who love you. you know they would want you to do what’s true to yourself. you can’t help but think that if things were really meant to be, they would work out that way no matter what. so does anything matter if everything works out the way it should in the end, as long as you are doing what you feel is always in the best of interests for you and the ones you love?

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