worked out at equinox with brian. it’s actually a really clean gym but i don’t like the layout. am interested in the demographic though. i also like the company of brian, that we can have something to do together. we’re back on the same page.

i wonder if i only hang out with people i perceive as a twin. it’s just the way i was born, where my eyes were looking when i first opened them. as long as i can feel we speak the same language and see the same things, i accept you as my own. it’s just the way i am because i’m so focused on what i want to see. maybe what it is…i can either seek through you, or around you. my eyes never seem to focus or seem to focus too sharply. i’m on a quest. you’re either the answer or not.

i need to meet more people. it was great watching tv with brian and being able to see things from a different perspective. everything was fresh and new and i could really see energies at work. i was especially able to appreciate energies i admired and enjoyed. i want to have fun with people. get to the root of their honest selves. give lots of hugs. get lots of hugs.

this is the first peaceful retrograde. i feel like the world from my perspective is being defragmented, and i can relax while the full picture reassembles. the energy is out there. now i’m just waiting for the results.

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