A Saturday with the place alone has turned into MAD SCIENTIST NIGHT!

Details aside, I’m about to listen to a tape with Theta frequencies that are supposed to simulate the dream state.


Have you ever noticed there’s no future in dreams? Only a present and sometimes a past. When we recount dreams later, we make assumptions like, “we were waiting at the bus stop”…because we were going to get on the bus. But that’s a detail that we add in hindsight.

I think a future already exists once the present circumstances fall in a way that allows it to exist. So in a sense, there do exist alternate “realities” which are these futures that were not the ones that actually deveoped. Because all reality is subjective, therefore, if the conscious believed a future possible, then in theory, it has to exist. For example, You are walking down a straight road. YOu can see the end of the road. You come to a crossroad and decide to turn right and take this other road. Does the first road and its continuation cease to exist when you turned, even though you can no longer see it? No. We can prove empirically that it is still there. So within different dimensional parameters, it’s possible that once a “future” is created, or a path that someone can walk down, even if circumstances do not allow this future to be traveled and the person’s life turns in a different direction, that “future” must still exist.

Tangible things are paradigms for showing us how things beyond our perception work. The most brilliant people in our history had a particular skill in creating, analyzing and understanding analogies.

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