had basketball training. glad i was hungry yesterday, finally, so had more strength today. my coach wanted to know why i had texted him about not wanting a heavy workout, and i told him because i hadn’t gotten very much sleep or really eaten because i’m in writing mode. it’s a fever. i remembered that he’s a virgo, so i told him that i fell flat on my face for a virgo. he said, of course you did, we’re the best. he said that i’m a beautiful girl, stuck on a boat, no ring on my finger, all the guys were probably trying to hit it and knew that they could get in with persistence. i told him, i think it takes a little more than persistence to get me.

he said, that’s all it takes to get a girl. guys know how to work a girl. girls always say they want more, but we don’t care what’s in your mind. we just want to get in, and get what we want, and deep down, that’s what girls want as well. he said that if we didn’t have a professional relationship, he could get me through my mind, because he knows exactly how to work me.

i must have raised my eyebrow and given him quite the skeptical look, because he says, don’t you raise your eyebrow at me! i could totally get you. what you see here, is just a taste.

he was kind of crowding me, putting his body about six inches away from me, his big frame towering. it felt like a game, to see if he could get me to break down, like the proximity of his male heat was going to intimidate me. i didn’t want to be rude and laugh. i realized this wasn’t about anything except his wanting to feel good enough for me, that he really could get me, bed me, win me.

i thought about it.

it takes more, i said. i’m not an ordinary person. it takes much more to get me. and the surprising thing is, it takes soooo much more to trip up the defenses of my heart and make me fall, it turned out the thing that did it was just the very simplest thing.

what’s that, he asked.

just a truly nice, intelligent, decent human being who made me feel understood.

he shook his head. i could see my words going right over him.

just get over there and shoot free throws, he said, and bounced me the ball.

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