Two dreams.

The night before last, I dreamed that I was driving and got pulled over by a plainclothes policeman driving a jeep. He was a guy about my age in an open surf shirt, white tank top and khaki shorts, like a beach dude. He said I was speeding, but he wanted to search my car for contraband. There was another man in his car, but he remained in the passenger seat. The cop searched my car but I wasn’t worried because I don’t have drugs in my car. All of a sudden, from the side pocket of the passenger seat, he pulled out a half-smoked joint.

“What do we have here,” he said, menacingly. I was shocked.

“That’s not mine. I don’t know where that came from, but I’ve never seen that in my life.”

He climbs over me to get out of the car, the joint held out incriminatingly, blackened at one end. As he climbs over, his pants brush my arm and I can feel his penis under the folds of fabric. This is all confusing and terrifying.

He shakes his head and gives me a look like I’m in deep shit, and it’s amusing him. He waves the guy in his car over, and I’m freaking out. I can’t believe I’m about to be arrested.

The guy comes over and asks me what my name is, where I’m from, etc. I’m really scared. But then I notice the first guy, the one who had found the joint, is casually leaning against the door as the other guy asks me questions, and he’s lit the joint and is smoking it.

I stare at him in disbelief.

“Are you really even a cop?”

He starts laughing. “Yes, but I was just messing with you.”

Then I think about it, and I remember that pot is legal for me to carry in California anyway, so I don’t know why I let him scare me so much.

I had another 2 Clock Doppleganger dream.

These are when I “wake up” to find myself sitting up in bed, staring at the clock. Except there are 2 clocks, my actual alarm clock, and another identical one next to it, but they both look completely real.

This morning, the first one read 9:02. The one next to it read 5:06. I realized that’s 11 and 11 right next to each other.

Yesterday, I read in Twilight Watch (the third book in the Night Watch trilogy) that if for several days in a row, you look at the clock and it’s 11:11, it means that there is magic around and you should try to use that opening. I was surprised that the writer knew about the 11/11 22, and felt more confident that 22 is a universal symbol of magic.

This morning when I woke up, I realized I was looking at a 11/11 clock, but the way that always happens to me, where I come to consciousness sitting up in bed looking at the clocks and I fully think I’m awake. But then I’ll lay back down and then realize, wait…there should only be one clock. And I’ll sit back up and only see one clock, the way it should be, but the image of the 2 clocks sitting on the shelf side-by-side is still crisp in my mind. I have these 2 clock doppleganger dreams every once in a while, but they’re very realistic because i’m physically sitting up in bed with my eyes open.

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