From Susan Miller. If it resonates for you, then this message is for you.

The questions that are presented to you first on September 15 and then again on September 17, 18, and 23 will reveal once and for all that you really can’t continue on the same path as you have so far. You may be hit by a personal crisis at this time, so if you’ve been hoping something would change by itself, without your intervention, you will finally see the truth that it won’t. The decisions you make at mid-month may be painful, but even so, you will benefit from what you decide, for from then on, you will be on a much better road.

You may feel that no one is on your side, or that few understand you. That’s Saturn speaking, but it is temporary. Saturn is trying to help you become stronger, and Uranus is showing information that will help you to protect yourself. This month will demand that you see things very clearly and unemotionally.

The new moon in Virgo, September 18, will be your chance to finally speak your mind. You will be getting ready to make changes and course corrections that are massive and sweeping in scope. Implement those in October. You may soon leave one debilitating condition or relationship forever. View this period as the start of a whole new chapter that you’ll begin to write now.

By September 18, you will be asked to announce the plans you’ve mulled over and analyzed for some time. Yet the situation will be confusing, so you need to take your time. With Mercury retrograde, you will not be able to make any plans stick, so don’t even try – announce plans in October.

Soon, others will be surprised at your new “take charge” attitude. Let the chips fall where they may – you no longer are beholden to anyone. You will be in quite a serious mood near this new moon September 18. You mean business and will be determined to succeed.

With Uranus opposed to this same new moon of September 18, you may tear away from a romantic relationship, or you may decide (or be forced) to make a change your career, or to move across country or make any other dramatic changes in the light of what you learn this month. This is the month you will need to stop keeping up appearances and simply let go of things that are not working anymore.

You may do this because you feel upset, hurt, or angered by what was done to you. Or, it may be that you have held on, hoping against hope that things would change. You seem to know it will soon be time to make a complete change. If so, peace exists on the other side of the bridge you will walk over. You will make it safely to the other side.

You may see changes to your domestic condition this month, too. You may hear things about a family member, a housing situation, or a roommate. Change is in the air.

I promise – October will be a big improvement.

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