I’m trying to piece together what happened on Monday because things aren’t falling in place for me and I have red flags going up.

9:05am – Dawn calls me from your home.
9:12am – You email me to warn me about not emailing you anymore.

(supposedly within those 7 minutes, she called you and demanded the password).

You told me she read the emails at work. If you signed on into your account at 9:12 am, you should have been able to see my last emails to you when you went online to email me. Before she read them at work. Even if you didn’t have time to delete them, you should have been able to read them, or to at least see them. But you told me you never read them.

Something’s not jiving. You need to come correct. And for whatever reason, I don’t think you are and my radar has been going crazy that there’s some honesty lacking somewhere. I don’t do drama for drama’s sake and my trust is dropping by the minute. Nothing pisses me off more than being lied to. So what’s going on?

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