Amber ( posted about a blind date in which, at the end of the night, the guy told her that she was awesome and the funniest person he’d ever met, but then goes on to tell her that he doesn’t want to see her again, citing:

when a guy gets to be his age (28, only three years older than i) they become very selective, and know exactly what they want and don’t want.

Amber was initially shocked but then appreciated his honesty and thought it showed his good nature and character.



The guy is a narrow-minded, shallow, cowardly dick who was too scared to get to know you as a person. Because if you were as cool as he thought, he wouldn’t have minded getting to know you possibly as a friend or acquaintance, rather than saying that he never wanted to see you again. He sounds really insecure. He probably went on one date with you, realized how much more charismatic, witty and intelligent you were than him, and rather than saying, I can appreciate her qualities or admitting, I think I’m intimidated by her, he lied to himself and said, she’s not my type. [because she makes my penis feel small]. That’s why he didn’t want to explore this anymore at all with you. If you just weren’t his type (ie The One), he would still be willing to hang out, or at least put that out there. He doesn’t want to see you at all, stating high and mighty bullshit about marriage and selectivity to make himself feel better. I can’t remember which comedian said this, but let me modify this line to serve my purposes: Amber, I would never hit a coward, but I sure as hell will SHAKE the shit out of him!


Through all my dating experiences, the one thing that I’ve realized to be a dealbreaker across the boards is insecurity. Now don’t get me wrong, we’re all human and no one is 100% confident all the time. Also, arrogance is just the disgusting, aggressive defense mechanism of inner insecurity so that’s the ugly end of the dog, too. But a guy who knows and appreciates his own qualities enough to be able to appreciate other people’s, rather than being afraid of anyone who is in any way better than him, is so much more attractive and so much more FUNCTIONAL to be around, be it in a friendship or relationship. There’s probably more insecure scrub than guys with healthy confidence out there, but it’s nothing to get down about. The good ones are out there and they’re great people and worth it. At the end of the day, the others aren’t even worth wasting your time spinning your head over.

Not to bring it back to “Room Raiders,” but…

So one thing that pissed me off about the show. This Playboy jackass explains to the two girls he didn’t choose why he didn’t choose them. Both of them blubber out defenses as they’re leaving, saying they just want him to know blah blah blah. What pissed me off was, YOU GIRLS SHOULDN’T CARE WHAT THE FUCK THIS GUY THINKS. They could totally tell when they went through his room that he was a vapid personality.

If I were one of them, I would have left saying, “Yeah…maybe I sleep in footed pink one-piece pajama suits on a cot in my parents room surrounded by stuffed unicorns and I collect Magik cards and have a shrine dedicated to Aaron Carter, but I don’t fucking care what you think of me because you’re a big fucking cheesedick loser.” I hated that these girls were apologizing to this stupid guy when they obviously seemed cooler than him.

So the problem with rejection is just ego. Whenever you get turned down, you go nuts because of the rejection. But you have to try to keep in perspective who is turning you down. If you’re a cool girl, then chances are, he was some little person who couldn’t handle you and wasn’t good enough for you in the first place. Good thing he didn’t stick around to bring you down!

Rock on, sista!

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