in this world, you can believe in a lot of people
but there are really only few you can trust

the strongest decision an artist makes is to just stop participating in this world and seeing what happens.

i am pretty sure the cast of bones partieeees.

fucking english people. what the hell is their problem. you can’t talk to them about the problem because the problem is the one thing they refuse to talk about. i’m just sayin’.

we don’t have to be mean, people. come on. i may not be the smartest person, but i swear there’s an answer in there somewhere. just do your best doing something you do best. try to do it well.

ants. i love ants. they kind of terrify me and fascinate me. i find it so noble that they always go back for their dead.

i remember sitting in our front lawn, watching ants devour a peach that had fallen out of a grocery bag. they cleaned it down to the pit. the efficiency was unbelievable.

when i’m walking, i’m always so scared that i’m stepping on ants.

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