dude, this is small stuff. you’re letting it worm into you. let people be wrong, or think whatever they want to think, or do whatever they want to do. your realm only extends as far as you and your own reactions. drop it. if you want to shoot every time you touch the ball, do it if it feels right. but you’re not going to sit here and look over your shoulder wondering what other people are up to. not when you have work to do on things that are more important and have more potential towards your own life. this is about letting go. the lesson has been about letting go for a month now. if people believe they’re right, let them. even if you think they’re wrong, let them. everyone is as much entitled to their wrong opinion as their right one. if people misunderstand you, let them. if people don’t like you, let them. if people want to compete with you, let them. not important. work only on the things and people that matter between where you are now and where you’re trying to go.

everything else is distraction.

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