random weekend thoughts:

-my theory: the middle of 3 children are usually difficult personalities. first born and youngest gravitate towards each other, but if you are oldest of 2 with the younger being of the opposite sex, your best match is the oldest of 2 with an opposite sex sibling. i’m first born big sister to a younger brother, so i find a lot of youngest born guys gravitate towards me because they know that i will naturally be protective of them and take care of them. but unless they’re strong themselves, it doesn’t really make me grow. the best partner for me is probably a big brother who has taken care of a little sister. then we would take care of each other while also challenging each other, because first borns tend to be very responsible but also very ambitious.

-i met bohr’s friend rick who has a theory that any family with 2 or more girls, at least one of the girls will be crazy, a bitch, or a crazy bitch. he also said that having a daughter is very different from having a son. you don’t worry as much with a son, but with a daughter, you feel like you have to protect her at all times, knowing how vulnerable she is to all the forces in the world which want to take things away from her. even things you never would have thought of or been aware of before, you become very paranoid once you have a daughter, but on the flipside, you are also aware you can only do so much to protect her. it’s very humbling, he said. he and his wife have a one year old daughter, and they’re talking about having another kid. they’re hoping for a son. i asked him if part of the desire is that they’re hoping that by having a son, he’ll protect her. definitely, he said. there’s definitely a comfort in knowing that even if anything happens to us, there will at least be another man who will look out for her.

-assholicism runs in my family. but we’re like werewolves. we’re really, really nice, charming, fun, happy people, and then full moon and bam! we’re complete assholes. and then we’re angels again. it’s a temporary state, but it happens.

-my mom says sometimes she wonders if she was a wolf in a past life, because she has these moments where she wants to bite a person’s throat. on my side, unless i know you and trust you, i’m very protective of my throat. i don’t like people touching it, or even waving their hands too close to it. i wonder if my mom and i have some predator/prey past life history.

-bohr was over for dinner last night and on his way out. he was waiting to say goodbye to my mom, but she and my brother were heading out as well to buy christmas lights, so we followed them into the bathroom and watched them squabble over something inconsequential. i said to bohr, “i guarantee you they were a married couple in a past life.” bohr bursts out laughing and says, “i wouldn’t doubt it. they have a very interesting dynamic.” we stand in the doorway and watch them and my mom suddenly becomes aware of us. “what are you two doing here?” “it’s like watching a play,” i said.

-i am most often mistaken for: 1. a swimmer; 2. a police officer; 3. a poet; 4. a mirror

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