ooh, look what i found. an excerpt from a psychological-astrological analysis of me that puts it into better words than i’ve been able to:

Life is only interesting to you if it contains the maximum resemblance to the mythic drama which you perceive within and which you strive, in your own way, to express. If words are your chosen medium, they are only lenses for you, meant to invoke deeper perceptions in the reader or listener; and you resent having to explain yourself and your strange vision too plainly to more literal souls who think an object is merely an object rather than a symbol, a doorway and a vessel. Because your allegiance to the imaginal world is so strong, your adherence to the conventional codes of living is sporadic; and many people are likely to think you a little peculiar or eccentric because what matters to you does not make sense to them and what is important to them is often simply boring and banal to you. On the deepest level you are wedded to some inner voice, and any partner in your life needs to understand and adapt to this if the relationship is going to work. Even those whom you love most you tend to turn into symbols which inspire and constellate your inner world of images and dreams. Or, put another way, the mundane world and the ordinary actions of ordinary people, become infused with something magical and meaningful, which provides constant fuel for your imagination.

“On the deepest level you are wedded to some inner voice, and any partner in your life needs to understand and adapt to this if the relationship is going to work.”

now the cat’s out of the bag.

this report reads like a cheat sheet to me. maybe i’ll post it later.

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