the worst thing after a hard run or workout–the recovery protein shake after.

the best thing–not being sore the next day.

ran 4 miles, played basketball, 30 minutes on the elliptical to read, then boxing with 5 lb weights last night to strengthen shoulders and core. played all 50 minutes of the game today.

hit our team’s first 3 pointer! 5-9 shooting for 11 points, 5 assists, 3 rebounds, 2 blocks. and again, great leadership, but my lack of focus (was giggling and running around chatting with the female referee) was very detrimental the first half. because of it, we were down 9 to 27, but came back in the 2nd half and took the lead in the final 6 minutes with my 3-pointer. we lost by 4 in the final minute. i think it was 55 to 59.

the irritating girl, she shows up and doesn’t talk to anyone, and after the game, just leaves. she’s a good player but not really a team player. i think that’s why we had the conflicts. when people show up, they’re always happy to see me–their faces light up and we’re joking around, bonding before the games. ethan said that she was going to like me or hate me for her own reasons, so i may as well be me, and i think how chatty and well-liked i am rubs her the wrong way. but i’m really glad ethan gave me that pep talk. i have to have the confidence not to shrink into myself just because one person doesn’t like me. if they’re going to not like me no matter how i am, i may as well go all out being myself. and it’s made a huge difference.

after the game, the girls were talking and saying how bummed they are about me missing the next session because of surgery, but that i should come out anyway and hang out. and that they’d like to get drunk with me (we’d been trying to plan a team outing after a game, but we got really late night games the last few weeks). it was a good feeling. younger people have always looked up to me. i think it’s because i’m both a big sister type and a big kid inside.

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