Coffee Bean Guy Update: A Turn for the Worst

It’s contagious. The Coffee Bean Guy’s awkwardness has started making me so nervous that I won’t look at him, causing mixed signals, I’m sure, if he’s even noticed. I went in early on Friday and saw him sitting by himself. I was afraid to look at him, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw him tense up when he saw me, folding his arms over his chest and watching the area that I was in. I took a seat facing him to read my book and caught him looking (he quickly looked away). A few minutes later, one of the girls he talks to sometimes shows up. So she sits down and is chatting, then he gives her a hug and massages her shoulder. I’m confused as hell now. It all looks friendly, but you know, it doesn’t take much to scare me off. My drink comes and I pick it up at the counter and don’t look at him, even though he’s sitting right next to the counter, and take off.
This morning I got there at 7:55am, giving me half an hour to read (had 11 more pages of Blindness to go and really wanted to finish it). I saw him sitting outside when I walked up. I went inside and I saw him come inside 30 seconds later. He was sitting by the counter again. I ordered and took a seat not too close by, but where we could still see each other. I got my drink but was afraid to look at him. An older guy came in and they started talking. I noticed that he has a nice voice and laugh. I caught him looking once, but he quickly looked away. He left a few minutes later, walked by me but didn’t look, and didn’t come back.

This is starting to get ridiculous. In any other situation, I would have chatted him up already, but I can’t figure out his strange behavior, considering he seems to chat up all the other regulars. Getting my morning coffee is starting to stress me out.

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