maybe in fremont, i’m just bored out of my mind.

as soon as my arm gets strong enough so that i can handle things living alone, i’m heading back to seattle. plan my next move. i can either come back in june, or finish my lease in september. if i only have 1 completed short story to show for this one year sabbatical, i’m going to be pissed. i have to stop quitting on myself and throwing out the work as soon as it gets challenging. will probably live in palo alto or san jose so i can be close to both office and culinary school. start work first, get acclimated for a year, then start culinary program. want to be able to do what i have to do here and be out in 2-3 years. back in la. or at least, have one foot firmly planted in la.

can’t go back to la for at least 2 years anyway since i’ve signed out my place. and of course, all i wanna do is go back, own a place off the beach where i can watch the sun set into the ocean every day. want to be able to financially do that in 2 years. i’m going to always need 2 homes in 2 separate cities. that’s just the way i am.

gemini. needs two of everything. but wants only one person. go figure.

sidekicks need to be intelligent, capable and brave, but content with being the sidekick. i’ve advertised for a sidekick when i was younger. i’m pretty sure most of the guys who applied really just wanted to sleep with me.

men who don’t understand me but just want to sleep with me are starfuckers.

you know what it’s called when random strangers think they know you but they don’t? celebrity.

you know why celebrities are crazy? because they no longer have full rights to their own lives.

you know what it means when people keep coming up to you in public places thinking you look familiar even though they don’t know you? it means you better start busting your ass giving them a reason to know you, because someone out there who looks just like you already has.

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