Seeing as I believe everything happens for a reason, I asked the mysterious lyrical poet, “What inspires you?”

His answer:

What inspires me. A burning question that haunts me quite often i’m afraid. The funny thing is, it’s almost like different periods or even different pieces I’m working on in succession require DRASTICALLY different inspirational conduits. The reality is people are not static, artists especially. I can deliver placid faces, surface level conversation and emotions for the people around us and meanwhile there are raging rivers of change below the surface…(what is that called, scanda?) At least that’s how I feel. And in this case it’s a double edged sword, because I’m always evolving internally (positive) but my changes happen faster than my productivity in my creative efforts so that by the time I can get something done, I’m not feelin it as much anymore!! Lol. That is a bit of an extreme though to be honest, but very relevant.

What inspires me is usually movement and progress with OTHER things outside of my creative life. As much as I hate to admit it. I’d like to think that if I had all the money I needed without having a job, and if I could get by in life without the paper degree saying I’m teachable and reliable, and I could just float around as I please and write, that I would be as happy as could be. Truth is, I had a taste of that and it had the exact opposite effect. Movement and progress in other life areas, even if its a sport or a social activity. Progression + evolution x outside of creative passion = the drive and sometimes the inspiration.

I have the usual ones too though, nature (ambiguous I know, water is my favorite though. Lakes oceans rivers..large puddles. rain), and people watching places, like coffee shops downtown with really large windows. Lol i’m sure I could go on and bore you but there is so much to say on such a small question!

Oh and here, dine on this video when you get a chance, some of Ms. Gilbert’s ideas on SEPARATION OF SELF FROM THE RECEPTION OF THE CREATIVE PROCESS is REALLY REALLY important to a person like me, I’m soooo critical. And I have what I would like to believe is a pretty good spiritual belief system, and I try and put it to use in this realm of my life as best I can.
In this video though it just reaffirmed some of my beliefs or methods in separating ME from IT. It’s interesting to hear someone else describe their personal methods though.


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