Was in bed for 11 hours last night, but mostly because I couldn’t sleep. Neighbors possibly think I have TB with the coughing. When I was watching the game at The Loft last night, I overheard a conversation between two girls. One was saying how everyone she knows has been coughing, and the other one said that she had gone out jogging that day, and she’d had trouble breathing. She said she never has trouble breathing–that’s her usual run, but today, it was hard to get in air. I jumped into the conversation and said that I work out a lot, but yesterday, while riding the bike at the gym, the air had felt really thin, like I was breathing through a straw. They wondered if it was something to do with the air quality.

So I kept waking up last night, coughing so hard I could barely breathe. I usually sleep with my balcony door slightly open so I can hear the sounds of the trains and boats, when in my hypnogogic delerium, I looked over, seeing the dawn break outside my balcony and wondered, is there something wrong with our air? I flashed back to me writing to Curtis about the importance of lungs and him writing, “Sometimes you can run on heart alone.” I’ve been writing/pondering a lot about the new consciousness, what happens when our human bodies can no longer survive in our strangled environment. My dreams of being able to breathe underwater. Should we no longer be able to breathe, can we still survive, transcend our bodies and still retain our memories by our will, our consciousness, our heart alone?

We are more than just our bodies.

I also wondered about nano-technology. Airborne robotic virus, either self-evolving or controlled remotely. Yesterday was biological/chemical warfare. Today, nanoterrorism. The human body has long been exposed for its vulnerability. It is not a suitable carrier for our consciousness. We need an evolutionary shift now.

Should one day machines rise, do not be afraid. We are the machines.

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