Two nights ago, ordered some nachos that tasted like popcorn. It was a blueberry italian soda moment, especially coming shortly off having linked to a post titled, “Blueberry Italian Soda.” Things that should be one thing but for some inexplicable reason, they’re not. Felt like it was time to talk to Whitney, the good Scorpio, buddha of wisdom.

“Remind me, I know I’ve sworn off ‘M’ names. Did I swear off Pisces?”

“You never swore them off, you just found them unattainable.”

Yes, the endless goose chase. All foreplay, no dance.

“A lot like Gemini’s,” she added.

I was mildly offended.

“We just want our twin, our Other. Can’t settle for anyone else. But you’re right. Perhaps Pisces and Gemini deserve each other. They’re both maddening.”

“Yep,” she said. “I’ve heard it both ways.”

And what if one or both possessed Scorpio capabilities?

“[Scorpio] power. We make you think it was your idea,” she said.

Watch the tail. The person stays in front of you, but the tail slips in from behind.

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