My mortgage check is due. Someone please remind me to pay it. I actually had a check written out and the enveloped stamped and everything, but somehow lost it on my way to the mailbox. If that doesn’t epitomize my life, I don’t know what does.
Work was hectic so I met up with some friends for drinks to unwind. I got there first and ran into Tom and Ben from Reno 911. It’s funny cuz I ran into them at this same bar, almost exactly one year ago. So we chatted for a bit and I asked Tom about that complaint that was filed against him (discussed in a previous post, I don’t know when). The whole time I was talking to them, I was thinking how lean they had both become, and how good their skin looked…definitely hotter than the last time I saw them. I guess it’s the vanity price of your show getting picked up for another season. You have to look good for your public. They’re still working on that competitive ping pong movie with Ali G. I hope that gets made. Balls of Fury.
I think some people plan to get old. They make preparations to ensure their survival into old age, be it consciously or subconsciously. I think others do not. Perhaps this is the key to sticking around longer. Knowing that you want to early enough to make sure that you prepare yourself to have a fighting chance.
Today’s mood: Doogie Howser stole my car