It’s cool. When I have something to say, I send an email to Echo. So who is Echo to me, and what is Echo to you?

There are two types who when mixed, create a force akin to helium. They turn into mutual balloons. As these balloons float up in the air, they become unwitting magnets for lightning. Those two are currently lucky they have an invisible 3rd party grounding the electricity. But it’s time to think about landing.

We always go back to the scene of the crime. Whatever age you were, whatever place you were, you will always find yourself back one night. The difference is if you walk through with your eyes opened or closed.

When you travel through other people’s dreams, you must always get back by daybreak, in the fear that the dreamworld will replace your real world. I often find that I can breathe underwater, but it is under the clutch of those I love that threatens to drown me. I think people should always share their dreams about each other. It gives us clues to where we go in our other lives.

My favorite dreams are of new living spaces, usually close to water. And exploring this space and finding all kinds of secret rooms and passageways, and being able to think, this is mine. I love the idea of having a warm home where all the people I like can gather. Whenever I have those dreams it reminds me to push forward towards finding.

What is the difference between Julia Living and Julia Working. It’s one of those questions I’ve had to meditate on. There’s so much difference and yet on some level, completely no difference. I think it’s about timing. Of your versions with your roles. If I’m being Julia Living in the workplace, it’s probably more inappropriate than if I had Julia Working there. I would be very casual to social boundaries, contentious with authority, flirt with both male and female coworkers to see what I can get away with, and bully either the person directly above me if he’s male, or below me if she’s female, while still somehow getting the job done faster than anyone has ever done it. I would be well loved, well loathed, and well feared. My sole motivations would be correlated with my degree of boredom.

Julia Living needs more space to operate.

Julia Working is straight-line task- oriented. She doesn’t understand nuance and just wants to get it done. Great for professionalism and career advancement. Completely denies social aspects. When I don’t have the boundaries of having a place and time to exercise my professional and goal-oriented energies, I start turning my personal life into a project.

There’s a time and place for each side of you and sometimes it’s about arranging your life so the best of you can be in its best situation. Or maybe after some time, you get a feel for the timing.

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