part of perspective is the ability for reflection. i’m moving slower through the book now, using my time. but i love his idea of the universe striving to become self-aware. years ago i randomly met some guy online (i can’t even remember how, i think we started reading each other’s blogs or something). we bonded because we were both gemini’s who lived in la. he published a book of poetry called, in the blink of an I. i loved that title because it was so expressive of the gemini soul, so torn between in here and out there, that our whole outwardly perception, what we see out there, is what we take to serve as our consciousness, the meaning of our I. we met our first time at my 26th birthday party at falcon in hollywood. as usual, disposable cameras were passed out. and he left me with a picture so mysterious, it looked like an abstract representation of space. i found out later it was a picture of his armpit.

the concept of mirrors and mirroring have always been a fascination. this was what hung in my living room when i first moved to la:

it’s dangerous to fall in love with our own reflection, but it doesn’t make our need for reflection less vital. i’ve been reading through a search to find my mention of mirrors. once you can see yourself, then you really know who or what you are, and from there, you can determine exactly where you’re going, and exactly who you want to be. self-reflection is as much getting down to the deepest level inside you as to step as far away from yourself as possible to see as much as you can. the further you go, the more you’ll know. the deeper you go, the more you’ll see. when one side becomes aware of the other, they both grow.

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