
What I would do, seeing as it’s going on 3 months on the market and its price was dropped Feb 22 (-65K), more than a month ago, is submit an offer at the avg sq footage price for that area ($691/sq ft) which would be $980,000. I would consider the reason it hasn’t sold yet is that it’s in  building where the HOA is $745 and parking is $100, meaning someone who puts down 30% is already looking at a $4000+ mortgage, and close to $900 in monthly fees that will only increase over time. Meaning that if you were to buy this place and sell it in the next 5-10 years, you’re likely looking at trying to pass on a property with monthly fees outside of mortgage, insurance and tax at well in the thousands. High built-in living expense is a tough sell.

Rent for a shared 2bd/2bth on the 5th floor overlooking the courtyard in the same building is $1150. This unit is 5 floors up near the top with sweeping views, meaning rent for that unit will be higher. If offer is excepted (if the owner is anything less than desperate, he won’t but nothing messes with people’s head like a Mercury Retrograde for making bad decisions), I would start looking for a roommate before the close of escrow. Rent would go towards HOA, etc, and to pay for the mortgage, I have positive income from my LA home to apply to this mortgage, or I could always take out a line of equity against my home in LA to put down a larger down payment.

But the most important would be that I’m backing myself in the corner, forcing me to work very, very hard to earn money. I’m at my most fierce from the corner, where you either claw your way out or die trying. I’ll risk losing some of my humanity. War is ugly. But I gave myself 3 years for this. And he happens to be 3 years away. So why not?

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