If It Isn’t Bad Enough When Someone Keeps Sticking Things In You…
I went to my acupuncturist last night sans Michael since he had a “playdate” with Jake… (they went to Subway). Even though Michael usually just sits there and giggles gleefully at me lying on the table in my underwear and getting stuck with pins, it’s comforting to know that he’s in the room.
The doctor and I were smalltalking in Chinese, which was somewhat difficult because she has a strong mainland accent and I have a 6th grade vocabulary. She asked me if I had a boyfriend, why not, etc. I said I date when I’m bored, but for real connections, I’m looking for someone in particular and I don’t know who, but I figure I’ll know when I find that person. But it has to be someone brilliant, gentle, open-minded and kind, and who can keep up with me.
She asked if I like Chinese guys and guys in their 30s, and started telling me about this one guy she knows. She was rattling off in Chinese and I got really lost from my lack of decent vocabulary. But I didn’t want to be rude because she was speaking so enthusiastically, so I just kept saying, “Uh huh…Uh huh…oh really…” But then she asked me, “What do you think?” I had no idea what she had been telling me or what she was asking me, so I said, “Wow.” And then the conversation ended.
I hope that I didn’t just give her the redlight to set me up or something. The last time I had an older Chinese woman talk to me about a guy while I smiled and nodded due to lack of comprehension, it was my cousin’s grandmother, and it turned out that she was pitching reasons why I should date my cousin. (We’re cousins by marriage. But STILL.)