Curtis was telling me about how after he had met me at the gym, he had tried to look me up in the gym’s system to figure out my name and who I was, going through the time frame I was there and pulling up every female Asian account but he couldn’t find me (it’s because I use a guest pass so I’m not in the system). He figured that someone he knew must be connected to me on Facebook and he had looked through Facebook but couldn’t find me there either. I was this big mystery woman and he had no idea how to find me. Then the next day, I added him as a friend on Facebook. I told him about how I had searched through Michael’s trainer’s friends to find him, and then had to contemplate if he was going to think it was weird that I’d looked him up. I figured the fact he seemed to orbit around me but be hesitant about getting closer meant he was probably attached, and I had prepared myself mentally that I wasn’t hitting on him, just interested in being friends.

I told him how I had tried to figure out his schedule, and the only time he seemed to be around was Saturday nights, so I would show up then hoping to run into him. He laughed about how it was a good thing I was better at finding him because he was failing at finding me. I remember a day when I’d come in late and he was standing at the front desk. I went to the basketball courts and within a minute he came in, beelining straight to the the far court where I was and started rebounding for me without saying a word. I told him how he came through the door, seeming to ignore everything and everyone else and came straight at me with this walk of determination, like a mouse who knew the direct path in the maze to the cheese. I remember watching him come straight at me and being simultaneously astounded and flattered, and realizing that in a way I expected this–I would have been disappointed if he hadn’t followed right after me, though I would have never admitted it to myself if he hadn’t. We played HORSE, and throughout the game, he would approach and retreat, and every time he got too close to me, he would blush.

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