Am I eccentric or visionary? I know this is a strange thing to talk about, but it’s necessary. You need to know. I’ve been planning to have my eggs harvested and stored for a year now. Gonna aim to get it done in the next few months. For practical reasons, the older a woman gets, it’s not her ability to carry a child that diminishes but the quality of the eggs she produces, so it’s good to get them harvested the younger the better. I wish I had thought of it when I was 29 and had more money, but it doesn’t matter. Also, looking ahead, if I have them stored, if anything were to happen to me and I pass on without leaving someone to carry on in this world, those left behind could always choose to introduce my progeny into this world via surrogacy. Who knows, maybe they may even be me in a new consciousness. I know it’s a strange idea, but for some reason, it feels important to me to do this to give future world the option. I brought it up to my mom last year and she thought the harvesting was a good idea, but when I told her that this way, if anything were to happen to me, she could still have a grandchild by me, she was weirded out. Maybe it was the idea of me not being around, or mothering a child posthumously. Sorry, mom. I know it’s a lot to wrap your head around. But the truth is, should something happen, I think you would rather have the option than not.

At some point, I will also have to create a will that includes naming someone to be responsible for them and potential donations if I’m gone. I know it’s a strange thing to ask of someone. But I figure I’ll know who when I cross that bridge.

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