Hi Julia:

It’s always good to write to you. It’s a rare treat these days to correspond with someone whom I relate to on a philosophical level. I feel that with age, people get more caught up with their everyday life. The mundane eventually trumps the pursuit of our hopes and dreams. You’re one of the very very few friends I have who do not live a life cliches. I’m very proud of you…not that I wouldn’t be totally supportive if you decide to pursue a more mainstream way of living but at least I know it would be your choice and on your terms. With that said…

I really like your 3-year plan. It’s always good to go home even if we have mixed feelings about our “home.” I wish I were one of those people who miss home and want to be near my family all the time. Lots of people like that in Jersey. But I’m not and it’s being around them that led me to learn certain truths about myself. You have a good, though not always perfect, relationship with your mom. She strikes me as someone whom you love and relate to deeply but who doesn’t always understand you. So maybe by working together, you guys will grow even closer. It’s very ironic but not unexpected I suppose that Abby and I are close. Much of it is circumstantial as that I don’t have a live-in nanny in Jersey and have to do much of the childcare myself. And because of my history with my mom, it’s important that Abby and I bond…and that we did. All the fear of us not getting along when she grows up is pushed to the very back of my head. Can’t worry that much. It paralyzes me.

Do you worry, Julia, about things in general?

My brother went to culinary school. Never did anything professional with the education but his culinary aspiration did help him land his wife. They met on Match.com or one of those dating websites. She read in his profile that he’s an aspiring chef and found that to be a very attractive attribute and agreed to meet him. It was love at first sight. The rest is history. Will you be going full time? Which culinary school are you looking to attend? There are quite a few in the Bay Area, SF area I believe.

I haven’t tasted your famous lemonade yet. Like you, I have been thinking about exploring the food industry. Maybe we can exchange notes. I’m thinking about exotic Asian pudding. Ha. Not to be sold in Jersey. You’re really good at executing your ideas. It’s a rare and powerful combination to have awesome concepts and the ability to execute them. I tell people about your lemonade all the time. You do me proud! ;-)

LA, LA, LA. That’s my home and I have to get back home. That is not to say being in Jersey is all that bad. There’s a lot less noise and drama in my life as I don’t really have a social network. My phone doesn’t ring much and there are very few social obligations. People don’t know me well and I don’t know them well and in a way I like it. Social solitude. I’m sure you can appreciate this. But I like it that you’ve introduced a goal for me to meet you back in LA in three years time. I haven’t set a goal for myself for a long while. Does that make me sound lame? And yes, we should tackle TV or feature or some creative project together. I actually know someone in TV now. A good friend of mine married a TV writer/show runner. He wrote Star Trek Next Gen and I am Legend and created Sliders and Carnival. A real sci-fi guy. Very interesting, funny and eccentric. I’m sure he’ll give us pointers and if we impress him maybe help set up meetings. I still remember you Vegas pilot. Never give up what’s close to our hearts.

So my script…it’s meant to be animated. I just got notes back from a friend of mine who totally missed the central theme of my script. I honestly don’t know how that happened. Did I screw up that badly or was he projecting some of his own personal issues onto my script? Regardless, vast majority of his notes are useless to me because they were given from the wrong thematic perspective. For me, I never compromise on the theme. Everything else is up for discussion. Theme is the soul and I don’t change that. Anyhow, I want to see what you think the theme of the story is. The script needs work for sure and I kind of realize what they are AFTER I sent it to the producer so… Anyhow the thing I learned about this industry is that they’re constantly adjusting the script. What the people are reading for in a writer is the exploration of an unique, excellent concept and the ability to execute. I want you to see if I have that in this draft. Because after my friend’s notes, I decided not to rush the producer to read as I might need to rewrite and send him another draft. Or maybe I don’t need to. That’s the background. I know people in animation now. A lot of work is done in China believe it or not. The people who head up these animation studios in Beijing are Americans and some of the studios have done work on Wall-E, Nemo, Shrek, etc. I apologize for rushing but if you could let me know what you think of the script by late May before I leave for China, that’ll be great. This way I know to show or not to show it to people. Thank you very much.

I’ll be in Beijing till the end of July. Think I might miss you as your family reunion is in August. But if you decide to visit Beijing this summer, contact my brother. He’s there and knows lots of interesting ex-pats. You’ll love them. Intelligent, adventuresome and all got a good head for business. He’ll show you around town. Or we can try to meet up next summer. I’ll introduce you to China’s entertainment business among other things.

Okay, I have written you a short story. Send me yours when you’re ready. Can’t wait to read your latest work! :)

Last but not least, very glad that you’ve met someone who peaks your romantic interests. After David, I can tell you needed time to heal and regroup. You always put all of yourself into your relationships and these men are lucky to have you in their lives but for whatever reason they don’t hold up their end of the bargain and it falls apart. I hope this guy will bring some joy into your life and keep things relatively simple and easy for you. Might be a nice change. I like it that he’s younger. I never was interested in younger guys and am beginning to wonder what I missed out on. ;-) Keep me posted.

Take care of yourself. Thanks again.


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