Love…What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing.

(No wait. That’s WAR.)

Okay, I’m not going to rant anymore about this election.

Random notes from today:

-I was at physical therapy, waiting in the room for my therapist. I laid down on the table and suddenly, just started thinking about Elton Brand (of the LA Clippers). His face just popped into my head and I couldn’t stop thinking about him, so I thought, Elton Brand must have been in this room before. At the end of the session, my PT was packing ice on my back and we started talking about basketball. He tells me that he played fantasy and started naming players on his team. He says, “And I had Elton Brand who was great for blocks. In fact, Elton’s been on this very table. I was working on him and he was giving me fantasy tips.” WHOA. What a trip. I believe in residue energy. We leave residue energy the way some people leave scents in a room. Always try to be a good person. Because good residue energy feels nice, and bad energy is about as uncomfortable as a mysterious, lingering stench.

-Took my mom to Cafe Des Artistes for dinner. Saw Chris Evans from Not Another Teen Movie. All I kept thinking about was that one scene where he walks in naked except for the strategically placed whipped cream. Beautiful shoulders.

-My mom and I were talking about the war and my mom says, “I hope we’re sending prostitutes over there.” I’m like, “What?” She says, “The government has to do that. Provide that service. Like when your dad was in the military, they had hookers on the base. Because men are different, you know?” Ohmygodohmygod. Too much information.

-I told my mom my theory that homosexuality is actually more natural than people think, because back when men were more primitive and went on hunting expeditions that lasted for days/weeks, what do you think they were doing while they were huddled together in the woods? With a physical, imperative need for “release?” Yeah. Think about it. It’s physically required for men to have that release to function well. And back in the day, they would fuck anything. (Back in the day??? Who am I kidding! They still will) They’re instinctively driven to it, almost survivalistically, and this taboo on it is a relatively recent social development started by a religious minority. I think more happens in the military during stressful times (ie war) than people want to admit.

Today’s Mood: Love to love you, baby.

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