On Halloween, I met a man named Sebastian who called me “dangerous.” As my sabbatical in Seattle winds down, I made plans to finally have our drink together and talk. We’re meeting at a place called Black Bottle tomorrow at 9pm. I like that choice. Seems fitting. In the time since we first met, the idea of “dangerous” has been on my mind a lot. From what it means to go so deeply into the world and others, what it means for others to perceive a person who can do this, and an encounter with the most innocent-seeming person who turned out to be utterly dangerous.

And mostly in the last month, contemplations of death and loss. Endings.

The good news is this means life is preparing new beginnings.

It is still heavy though.

The question I have asked everyone…how did you perceive May?

I’ve found that most people found it to be a kick to their most private parts.

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