I’m about to settle down and do some writing. I went to PT today and I got to work out in the pool! They put this thing around my chest to keep me floating and tethered me to the wall and I got to jog in place. The most exercise I’ve gotten in a while. I was so happy just to be moving again that I was going full speed tearing it up, running against this leash with a big, goofy grin on my face the entire time. Asian on a leash. Like a hamster in a wheel. Or a pig on a spit. Wait no. Not that last one.

So as I was heating up peas on the stove and talking to Brian a few minutes ago, I suddenly had a flashback of another quintessential conversation between my mom and I that we had this weekend.

I can’t remember how it came up or what we were talking about but I joked that no one gets to touch me (remember, my mom firmly clings to the belief that I’m a virgin). So she says, “No Julia. One day, when you find someone who truly loves you, you have to let him touch you.” As panic sets in, I don’t want to let on that I know what she’s talking about or that this conversation is obviously going to a weird (BAD! BAD! BAD!) place so I say, “No, no one gets to touch me.” She said, “Yes Julia, when you find the right person, you will have to do what men and women do when they really love each other.”

(shoot me)

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