Ask yourself, do you want a woman who can take care of your hopes and dreams better than she can take care of a house plant? A woman who can find god in every corner? A woman as fickle as a storm? Who falls into wells without a moment’s notice? A woman who makes you believe dreams are real?

Can you really be with her and honor her, commit to not hurting her, even during those times when she makes you want to punch through walls?

It’s not a question of good or bad, right or wrong. It’s about what is.

Can you really make something out of this or not? Just be honest. There’s no reason for us to be dangerous to each other.

You find two types of humans in this world. Unable and unwilling. We spend the first part of our lives understanding the difference, the next part understanding what we are, and then when the two understandings come together, you have a perspective with which to use it.

I made a bet tonight, to be revisited in exactly 5 years on this day, my birthday 2015.

I always believe in #2. #2 has every reason in the world to succeed, while #1 has every excuse in the world to fail. It’s easier to be pulled uphill than pushed downhill. Theoretically. I hope to be right.

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