This is kind of interesting. Last week I wrote this in my book:

The earlier darkness also brought on more feelings of loneliness, as my days were consumed with work and I spent my evenings alone, writing, thinking and listening to music. I hadn’t really dated since the break-up, hadn’t met anyone where things really clicked, and I wasn’t interested in falling into a relationship only for the sake of being in one. I would rather be alone and enjoy my own company than be in unsuitable company. Plus, I’d been working hard trying to carve out who I was and who I wanted to be, continuing to work on myself to break through my own personal boundaries and reach new heights. I remember one sleepless night when I decided to take a walk. It was a cloudless night, no moon, and I looked up at the sky intending to make a wish on the first star I saw. My eyes locked on a bright one, low in the horizon, and I made a wish.

Like Steve Martin in The Jerk, I wished to find my special purpose. And perhaps a red thermos I could call my own.

A few days later was my birthday. Michael brought out a wrapped present, and my parents informed me that Michael had insisted on buying a present for me, picking it out all by himself. I opened it up, and would you believe it…it was a red Thermos.

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