When random things synchronize in my life, I follow them through. Worked with a new trainer in Seattle, and I remember when he first sent an email, I experienced a strange time loop, where I didn’t know who it was from, but I knew that I had gotten an email from this address before. Except I hadn’t. It was experiencing the future as the past. I noticed he had a quote in his signature from Antoine de Saint Exupery, author of The Little Prince, from a book that had been sitting on my kitchen counter for weeks, but which I couldn’t compel myself to put away. I took this as a sign it was time to read the book.

People know I have an extensive database of natal charts–both people I know and those I am intrigued with (ie writers, actors, thinkers). The information helps me have a point of reference for understanding people and their inner workings, a way to give me a foundation to optimize my intuition when relating to people. I have worked with these symbols for so long, I have built an intimate and deeply personal relationship with them, same as a reader and their deck of tarot cards. I like to look up people’s information, then let it seep into me, so that when I interact with them, I am more able to understand their layers and polarities of personality, wants and needs, because in a way, having seen their symbols, I can now feel for them, have a better intuition for working with the holistic experience of them, and bringing out the highest potential of interaction. It is definitely not an analytical, thinking process anymore. It is definitely a background program that presents itself on a deep feeling level that takes place multi-dimensionally, tapping in.

I was intrigued by the syncs that occurred with his entrance into my life, parallels between his experience of leaping and mine, his spiritual journey and mine. In searching for his birthday to help me find a point of reference, I found his blog which is very well-written and reveals a fertile and intuitive being. I appreciate the questions he poses.

Blog here.

I’ve always noticed that I’m good at finding things, especially when they are meant to be found (incidentally, his blog even provided his time of birth, which allowed me to pull up an accurate chart, which was much appreciated). I understand some of the parallels. First of all, like me, and like Antoine de Saint Exupery, he’s a 9. The path of the prophet. Finding his writing inspires me. I hope he continues to ask these questions, to put his thoughts and ponderings out into the world. He has a pertinent voice.

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