You Want More?

31. I get scared when I’m laying in the dark and things are too quiet.
32. I always sleep on my side with a pillow between my legs. Ever since I was a little kid.
33. I propositioned the lead singer of a somewhat well-known band and he was willing, but I chickened out.
34. I’m obsessed with my arms and like them when they’re cut.
35. Sometimes when I look people in the eye, I can immediately tell which ones occasionally cry themselves to sleep. And all I want to do is give them a hug.
36. My hands shake when I get nervous.
37. I once offered to read tarot cards for a stranger and she would always call me, asking me if she would gain custody of her kids. And I told her to work out her own feelings first about the divorce, even though I had a dark feeling of dread that she was unraveling and going to hurt her estranged husband.
38. I think women lie too much.
39. I think men lie too much.
40. I think we’re all trapped on this earth.
41. I resent gravity.
42. I think Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy.
43. I think there was more to our beloved ex-president than we’d care to know.
44. I think there were quite a few nights when Jesus sat alone into the wee hours of morning, staring at the sky, wondering what the hell he was doing here and freaked out that maybe he’d gotten in over his head, wondering if maybe all the things he was saying to people was idealistic bullshit, because he was just as scared of this world as everyone else.
45. I wish I wasn’t so afraid of life.
46. I constantly crave Gatorade.
47. I think my brother is gay.
48. I think we hold all of our loved ones as emotional prisoners.
49. I once sat for hours watching a line of ants devour a peach until there was nothing left except a completely clean, pock-marked pit. And I felt a deep sense of loss when the peach was gone.
50. I get severely depressed when people try to get too close to me.
51. I get severely depressed when people go away.
52. I wish there was a pill you could pop for loneliness.
53. My scariest recurring nightmare is the one where my teeth fall out.
54. Sometimes when I hug someone or talk to someone, I’ll just know that this is the last time I’ll ever see them.
55. I envy you all. All of you out there who don’t really exist.
56. There is no time to worry about the inevitable.
57. I think about it all the time.
58. But I still don’t know what it is.
59. Do you?

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