Weekend Recap

It’s kind of early for a weekend recap, as I have about 5 more waking hours within which I could easily get into all sorts of trouble that will end up not being covered because I chose to recap early. But seriously…I’m bored right now and have nothing to do.

So I’ve finished the 5th dvd of 24 (Season 1), with one more to go (I am so freakin’ irritated with the Kim character and storyline). Unfortunately, that last dvd is in some Netflix warehouse, because I’ve been lazy about sending back my dvds, so at earliest, I won’t get the last installment until Wednesday. I’m comtemplating just running out to the video store and getting it. I need to learn moderation. Here I am, spending extra money on a dvd I’ve technically already payed for that I’ll get in a few days, while sometimes, I can hold rented videos for months on end. In fact, I think I currently owe the video store over $40 in late fees, which is why I’ve been avoiding them.

Posted new pictures up on the He Looks Like Game. Quite proud of finding the most recent pic. Feel a bit diabolical. I hope he’s no one’s grandfather or dad or boyfriend.

I think Closer messed me up a little. I have that Damien Rice album that the title song is on, and I wanted to put it on today but was suddenly stricken with anxiety. I don’t want to think about the film anymore. I think the wonderful thing about it, is how well it pinned down the complexity and brutality of human relationships. But it shows us that no matter how much we analyze or confront, there really isn’t any answer. It’s like those questions of, “If you were on a sinking ship, and could only choose to save one family member, who would it be?” These kinds of questions can drive you crazy, as there is no answer that isn’t tragic.

It was raining out here and I loved it. I love the rain, which we don’t get enough of in Los Angeles. I went to the gym for a little bit and then wanted to grab lunch and read. I was craving a turkey spinach salad from Literati, but when I showed up, I saw the car of a former friend whose family and I are entangled in a messy lawsuit. I haven’t seen her or talked to her since all this went down so I decided that I’d hit up another place. I wanted to go to Toast, to hopefully catch a C-list celebrity incident that would make me “really uncomfortable,” but they were closed so I ended up at the Farmer’s Market. Had a smoked salmon/scrambled egg crepe. Still not a big fan of crepes. Went to Border’s to read. Realized I forgot to bring Bridget Jones so I read about the psychology of child psychopaths. Fell asleep. As I always do when in a seated position in a public place. Drove home. I love the sound of rain falling on the rooftop, the swishing of windshield wipers, and good ol’ oldies on the radio. “I’m so tired of being alone…”
Yeah…but look at it this way…at least you don’t have to constantly be aware of someone else and making sure they’re content. Everything is a compromise. When you’re alone, you’re lonely and wish you had companionship. When you’re in a relationship, you fight for your privacy and space. I’ve decided, Little Julia that is in this world wants companionship. Big Julia who is of this world and serves this world wants to be alone to do the things she’s supposed to be doing. And no, Little Julia is not a euphemism for my penis. His name is Phil.

Thought of the Day:

The only things you can ever be sure of in any given moment, are what you feel and what you want. And even those things are questionable.

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