
That’s what was above my head after talking to Coffee Bean Guy. I went in, he was sitting at a big table with a bunch of other people. Those people left and then he walked by me, went to the counter, didn’t really do anything, then came back and said hi, how are you, as usual. I said, “Good. How are you?” as usual. He said, “Good,” paused, then added a new line! “What’s going on?” he said, pausing, then continuing to walk away without getting an answer.

When the table between us left, I looked over and saw that not only had he changed seats so that he was now facing me, but that he was looking at me and smiling. So I just asked, “What’s your name?” “Alan,” he said. I said, “My name’s Julia. I see you over here all the time.” He asked me what I was working on, and I didn’t want to say “a free write” and let him know I was one of THOSE (screenwriters, as they are the cancers of coffee shops) so I mumbled something non-committal that ended with, “And um yeah. Random.” I think I made a move to go towards his table then stopped but he said, “Come sit over here. It’s a big table.”

So I went over and I was telling him I’m on this kick of getting up early to make the day feel longer and he was telling me how he’s used to getting up early, can’t sleep in even if he tried, whatever and then he kind of started getting weird and then just looked at his newspaper. I’m like, Oh, I guess the conversation is over. So I went back to writing. We sat in silence for a while and when he got to the sports section/basketball page, I asked him if he thought Phil Jackson was going to come back. He said, it didn’t make sense and we exchanged a few lines, but he kept his eyes on the newspaper, so I just went back to writing. Then he got up and all awkwardly said, “Well, it’s time to go.” So I told him to take care and he left. ?????? What?

I saw my co-worker, Harry, standing outside so I went over to him. He joked, “I just showed up to help you get some balls.” (he didn’t really). I’m like, I did it, but the guy was weird. He just stopped talking. I offered Harry a ride to the office (he has to park in the CB lot) and while we were standing by my car waiting for our other co-worker who also wanted a ride, CB Guy walks up (his car is parked close to me). We wave to each other as he gets into his car. I said to Harry, “That’s the guy.” Harry quite obviously tries to get a look at him and said the guy was looking at us but when he saw Harry look, he ducked his head down. Harry says: He’s a good looking guy and has a really nice car. I say: Dude. He, like, stopped talking.

Dude. What the fuck was that???

:) I’m glad I did it though.

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